Friday, September 26, 2008

The 1st debate was a tie

I didn't get to see the entire debate as I was working while watching it, but the parts I did get to watch seemed rather drab. I didn't think that either candidate really won.

However, I did think that McCain seemed to be on offense and Obama on defence quite a bit. I thought that McCain seemed rather calm and mature, while Obama seemed a bit tepid.

There were some jabs. The best one was at the end of the debate when McCain said that Obama just doesn't get it when it comes to national security.

Still, I don't think either candidate really stood out as victor. It was, as I said, a pretty straight forward debate -- if you want to call it that.

I think what they really should do is put the two candidates in chairs facing one another and let them have a discussion. Then the sparks would fly. Then we'd see the real people under the masks.

That, my friends, is my debate thought.


DB said...

I would give the foreign policy edge to McCain, but he is real loser as they "wasted" half the debate on economics whereas that extra 40 minutes or so could have helped McCain truly distinguish himself as the winner. McCain should have advocated that the entire time spent on economics and switch the next debate to foreign policy rather than "suspend" his campaign. Anything about foreign policy coming out of this debate (though nothing new) will be forgotten when we get back into "financial crisis" mode. McCain needs the foreign policy debate to play out in the news longer, which it will not.

Khaki Elephant said...

I agree with DBs point. I gave McCain the win on foreign policy, but it won't play long on the news as the economy takes center stage. I felt that McCain had a real chance to make some powerful points about the economy (especially given their different tacts and connections to the recent bail out) but squandered them away.

Anthony Palmer, Ph.D. said...

McCain won the debate, but I think Obama was helped more by it because McCain couldn't capitalize on his strength.

As we head into October, I think McCain has three problems: 1) even though he's strong on Iraq and foreign policy, America cares more about the economy right now; 2) he tried running on experience against Obama, but experience was a losing message for Clinton and Obama's other rivals--it's a "change" election; and 3) the middle is increasingly turned off by Palin, so she won't be of much help except for the GOP base. Of course, the problem with that is that the Republican base is smaller than the Democratic base this year. Palin may surprise everyone next week against Biden, but I think she has dug herself into a bit of a hole and has higher expectations to meet than Biden does.

DB said...

Palin may surprise everyone, but the Dems are doing a helluva a job playing up her debating skills. The more they raise her expectations (especially since the McCain camp isn't countering the claims), the harder she will fall in the debates, even if she does well.

Political Realm said...

I agree with the other comments. both candidates were sharp and had reason to be happy with the debate. Neither landed a big hit, so I won't be surprised to see different opinions on who "won."

McCain was more aggressive and seemed to win on the fact that the debate was to his strength. Obama, however, held his own and showed an understanding of the issues, which should help him long term as voters become more willing to see him as presidential.

Rick Frea said...

I personally don't think America puts as much stake in debates as they did in the past. I thing most people realize the candidates are pretty much programmed to answer the way they do. That's why I think they should put the candidates in a ring and have them have a real debate.