Lexicon #1

Muslim Lexicon:
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Political Lexicon:
These are terms that should be taught in the government run school system, but aren't. 

1. Two party system: A happenstance of the American political system. Like it or not, to get elected to public office, a person, group, or movement has to gain control of one of the two parties.

2. Republican: One of the two parties in the two party system. It can be controlled by any of the many political factions, but is currently 60% Conservative and 40% liberal. Those in this party who are liberal don't call themselves that, they use the term moderate republican (see below), and conservative republicans refer to these moderates as RINOs (See 190 below).

3. Democrat: One of the two parties in the two party system. It can be controlled by any of the many political factions, but is currently mainly controlled by liberalism/ progressivism (see below).

4. Conservative: Capitalism. They believe prosperity is achieved through the people and not by act of government, that Americans become their best, most prosperous when left to their own devices with minimal government regulation. The basic premise of conservatism is people do not need government assistance to achieve success and prosper, that all we need is for the government to get out of the way. They believe you need to allow people to make mistakes, or even to fail at times. If you do everything for them you ultimately turn them into liberals. They believe when you learn to live on your own you likewise learn skills on how to thrive and prosper and otherwise better yourself because, even if you fail, you are learning life lessons. Yet if you are overly compassionate, you set a person up for failure. Conservatives use government to help people get over bridge, and then they take the bridge away to force people to strive on their own. They believe if the bridge stays, people will be too scared to take a chance in life. They believe people who succeed on their own feel better about themselves (are happier) when they achieve things on their own. They believe, as did most of the founders, that one role of government is to inculcate the values of religion to maintain order among civilization; that people who fear Hell and fear God will ultimately be good. Ultimately, they trust the people and believe they are capable of making decisions for themselves. They believe change for change's sake is folly. Change at what cost? Conservatism was started after WWI in an attempt to shrink the government back down to a manageable level, after all, taxes were as high as 70% at that time, and regulations were high and burdensom on businesses. Conservatism is actually a renaming of the term classical liberal (see below). After progressivism became an unpopular term, progressives started calling themselves liberals, thus changing the classic definition of that term. Hence, we now have conservatives. Basically conservatives believe in a limited government, but with restraints. This differs from libertarianism (see below) in that liberatarians believe governmetn should be limited with no restraints.

5. Liberalism: a.k.a. Socialism in Europe, progressivism in U.S. They believe euphoric world where everyone is equal is not only possible but attainable. They don't trust people to make decisions on their own, and deciding what's best for people is the role of government. In other words, they don't think most people are capable of taking care of themselves, so the government has to do that for them. Their goal is to trap as many people on government dole as possible so that they can more easily control them. While they may say otherwise, they think it's unfair that some people are better off than others, and are therefore prone to punish achievers. They talk about compassion, but they actually make people dependent. They don't allow people to fail. They don't allow people to learn from their mistakes. Liberals help people to get over the bridge, and then they keep the bridge there in case you stumble and fall. This makes it easy for people to get back on government dole if they do happen to fail. They take you back to the house, feed you, and make you dependent. Liberals tend to be less happy than Conservatives. They believe religion has no place in government, and tend to preach secularism (see below). Ultimately, they don't trust the people to make wise decisions for themselves, and that it is often the role of government to make decisions for people (i.e. they created social security because people are incapable of preparing for retirement on their own). Liberalism is basically a renaming of the old term progressivism (see below), and comes from the Russian use of the word referring to getting rid of old dogmas

6. Independent: Synonym: moderate; centrist;

Conservative definition:   1) People who vote for the most popular person as opposed to the most qualified. They tend to "go with the flow" so to speak. They usually do not have an opinion until a popular candidate comes about and they vote for that person. 2)  They are closet partisans; they are republicans and democrats afraid if they said the truth they'd cause controversy; proof of this are studies that show 40% of independents are republicans and 40% are democrats (only 20% of voters usually consider themselves independents). As you can see by this definition, it is a fallacy that politicians have to cater to the independent voter, as 80% are partisans who say they are independents but always vote for the same party.  The notion that independents are 

Liberal definition:  An independent, in the modern era, is a better person than a partisan conservative. An independent is open-minded. An independent is not rigid and is not an ideologue and is not a bigot and not a racist. An independent decides things issue by issue, person by person, is studied, is intelligent, is focused, is sensitive, etc. He votes for the person most qualified for the job.

7. Moderate: (also see centrist) A kind word for liberal. They sometimes go by the name moderate democrat, but lately it is moderate republican.

8. Keynesian economics: The economic system of socialists (liberals). Basically, this is taking from the hard working people and giving to the less well off in an attempt to create a world where everyone is equal no matter how hard you work. To accomplish this they tax the rich, create government programs, and as a result "hope" to increase demand for goods and services.At present this system is worshiped by 80% of democrats and 48.5% of republicans. In short, Keynesian economic theory means you spend, spend, spend, government spend, that's how you stimulate a stagnant economy, spend, spend, spend, and spend some more. This is more control. Command control economy. You spend money on the stimulus, if it doesn't work, you didn't spend enough. You build up a national debt and you don't worry that future generations will have to pay for it. They also don't worry tht their tax and spend policies means less freedom for you and me. Instead of you deciding what to do with your money, they get to decide.

9. The New Deal: This is the program of FDR that he used to incite hope in America when he became president during the Great Depression. This is a tax and spend Keynesian program liberals use as an example of how well Keynesian economics works. It is even hailed as a big success in children's history books and taught as such in schools. The truth is, the New Deal was a big failure that prolonged the Great Depression. In 1939, after the New Deal was in effect for 10 years, the unemployment rate was 10% higher than when FDR was elected in 1929.

10. Supply-side economics: The economic system of capitalists (Conservatives). This is based on the belief that a rising tide lifts all boats, and if the well off are doing well so too will everyone. They believe decreasing taxes on corporations the corporations will have more money and this will provide an incentive for them to save and invest in new capital, and create new jobs, and ultimately increase supply of goods and service to stimulate an ailing economy. This kind of has a trickle down effect, as the better off the rich and upper middle class are the better off the rest of America is. Historically, more jobs are created by this method and this actually results in increase in revenue to the government if wasteful government programs are cut or scaled back.

11. Reaganomics: This is the program Conservatives use to prove that Conservatism works. Under Ronald Reagan's supply-side economic programs, America had it's greatest period of economic expansion in U.S. history. The rich got richer, the middle class got richer, the poor got richer, charitable donations were at record highs, and the Soviet Union was defeated due to peace through strength.

12. Feelings and emotions: These are what liberals cater to in order to convince you that what they want for you or someone else is best.

13. Evil: Politicians who put themselves before their country. Their are evil republicans and evil democrats. Their goal is to achieve riches, fame, and to get re-elected no matter what the cost. They often tell their constituents what they want to hear rather than what they actually believe. They put money and power and greed over principle. They don't care about Conservative or liberal, or republican or democrat. They care about themselves.

14. Goofus's: People think liberal is synonymous with democrat or Conservative is synonymous with liberal. This is also a person who doesn't think for himself, but votes for the same people his parents or social group do.

15. Champ: These are people who are wise when it comes to politics, keep up to date on what's going on in the U.S. and around the world, and never forget the importance of voting. Likewise, they do not just vote for the most popular person, he votes for the person who is the best candidate for the job. Also, he is not fooled when a candidate tries to cater to his feelings and emotions.

16. Hope: The feeling that what one wants is attainable. It never comes in the form of a government check. Hope is an excuse for doing nothing.

17. Poverty: Poverty is living on the bottom threshold of income, or having no income at all. Conservatives see poverty as a great motivator to get up and make something of yourself. Liberals see poverty as victims of greed.

18. Rich: This is living at the top threshold of income. Conservatives see this as a reward for risk taking and hard work, and an incentive for those in poverty to work hard. Liberals see rich people as a hoarders of money that could benefit people in poverty.

19. Peace through strength: A war cry of Conservatives. They believe in the old saying: "Who are you going to pick on, the strong guy who you know is going to kick your butt if you mess with him, or the wimp who thinks he can change you with words."

20. Neo Conservative: Using American military and power to influence and bring capitalism and human rights to other countries. They are supportive of free markets, but are willing to override that with some welfare programs for the overall good of the nation. Contrary to current teachings, the original neo Conservatives were liberals who moved to the right. However, during the Bush administration, they were referred to as Conservatives who moved to the center. Bush actually referred to this as "compassionate conservatism." However, liberals will have you believe all republicans are "neocons," who are hawks who like to start wars like the one in Iraq.

21. Gay rights: Gays have the same Constitutional rights as everyone else, and should be respected as equal to everyone else and with equal respect.

22. Gay marriage: According to the 10th Amendment, all states have a right to make gay marriage legal.

23. Men: Politically speaking, this is synonymous with "All people." So, as the Declaration of Independence states, "All men are created equal," this refers to men, women, African American, Caucasian, Britons, French, Italian, Californians, Michigander, morons, cool people, geeks, nerds, smokers, nonsmokers, etc.

24. Abortion: Whether abortion is murder is up to personal opinion and GOD. According to the 10th Amendment, all states have a right to make abortion legal or illegal, and the Federal government does not.

25. Judges: Their role is to interpret laws, not to make them.

26. Personal opinion: The 1st Amendment protects our God given right to have an opinion and to freely share it. Judges are allowed to have a "personal opinion," yet must set it aside in making their ruling.

27. Good judge: A person elected or selected to the bench who is able to be objective and follow the rule of law in making rulings.

28. The Bill of Rights: They prevent the government from taking away the rights all humans are born with.

29. Freedom: We are all born with it, and only governments can take it away. Some nations take this away as soon as a person is born. One person's freedom stops where another persons begins. The Bill of Rights prevents the government from taking our freedoms away.

30. Laws: They are needed to protect one person from another. However, one must be wise in making them because every time a new law is made another "freedom" is taken away.

31. TaxesSomething that is needed to provide services that are for the general good and to pay public officials. Taxes are needed, but if too high can act as a punishment for success and can negatively impact an economy.

32. Tax cuts: This is the historically proven best way to stimulate an economy because it allows people to keep more of their own money. When people have more money they are more likely to spend it to purchase goods and services. However, we must keep in mind some taxes are needed to run government.

33. Rich and upper middle class: These are the people who create 75% of all the jobs in the country. They also pay 90% of all the taxes. However, if you increase their taxes they will stop spending and stop creating jobs.

34. Tax hikes: Taxes are needed, but one must understand that when taxes go up income to the government (measured by GDP) will increase in the short term, but will decrease in the long run. Sometimes tax hikes are needed to run programs for the general good.

35. GDP: Gross Domestic Product. This is the best indicator of how well the economy is doing.

36. Stock Market: This is not an indicator of how well the economy is doing, it is a measure of public confidence in the markets for a given day.

37. Government programs: Once you add a government program it is nearly impossible to get rid of it no matter how poorly it is run. Therefore, government officials must be wise in creating them. Liberals are always looking for a good excuse (see global warming) to create more government programs. Conservatives understand the government is an inefficient at running government programs.

38. Health care: This is not a freedom or a right, thus you are not born with the right to be healthy. God or the peanut butter ferry or whoever created humans did not place people on this green earth and say, "I will keep you healthy." If that were the case there would be no disease and the world would be overpopulated.

39. Environmentalist: Any person (both Conservative or liberal) who loves the earth and wants to protect it and keep it clean.

40. Wacky environmentalist: Any person who uses global warming as an excuse to increase the scope of government. Usually this goes hand in hand with liberalism, but not always.

41. Global Warming: It occurs in cycles whether man exists or not. Liberals use this as an excuse to increase the scope of government, and therefore preach via the public school systems that it is caused by capitalism. Conservatives believe man must be environmentally responsible to keep pollution down.

42. Government regulation: An attempt to prevent corporations from selling products that harm people and to keep pollution down. Some regulation is needed. Too much regulation slows down an economy. No regulation is not good either. Liberals believe lots of regulations are good. Conservatives believe the scope of government should be limited to allow people to prosper.

43. Services of general good: Anything necessary to protect the people, such as police, fire and other emergency services, and a national defense. It also includes creating roads and maintaining them, and payment of public officials.

44. Economic environment: The role of government is to create one so that allows everyone to prosper. Liberals believe the best way to do this is by increasing the scope of government. Conservatives believe the best way to do this is for the government to get out of the way.

45. Affirmative Action: Reverse discrimination.  It was established to make amends for past transgressions; it's replacing old discrimination against blacks and replacing it with new discrimination against whites.  It's supposedly a remedy against old discrimination. 

46. Color of skin: While people come of many colors we are all the same under the skin. Conservatives believe all people should be hired based on their qualifications and live in a "color blind society (see below). Liberals believe in some cases people should be hired based on the "color of their skin," and therefore should not be color blind.

47. Clean air: We all born with the right to breath it. Your right to smoke stops where another persons right to clean air begins.

48. Air Pollution: This is both man made and naturally made. Liberals will have you believe it is all man made and created by Capitalism.

49. Capitalism: Same as supply side economics. See supply side economics above. Same as Reaganomics. See Reaganomics above. Liberals believe this is the cause of all evil in the world. Conservatives believe (and history has proven) the best for of government ever created.

50. Socialism: Same as Keynesian economics. See Keynesian economics above. Same as the New Deal. See New Deal above.

51. Public School System: Government run schooling. Liberals view it as a propaganda mill to shape the beliefs and attitudes of future generations and to progress the progressive agenda. Conservatives view it as a place to teach young people how to think, and how to make good individual choices, and to be accountable for their decisons.

52. Prayer: The 1st Amendment provides all people the right to pray, and it cannot be impinged upon even by the public school system.

53. Religion: The 1st Amendment provides all people, including teachers and political leaders, the right to choose any religion or not to have one. However, while religion cannot be preached in the public school system, it can be referred to.

54. God: Christians and Muslims believe he is the one true creator of all men (see men above). Many of the founders believed the government must inculcate belief in him in order to maintain order in the lack of an adequate national defense. This is not a naughty word, and 95% of Americans believe in him.

55. Hell: An incentive to be good. It is not a naughty word unless you are using it in vain.

56. Christianity: Belief in Jesus Christ.

57. Jesus: According to Christians (see above), he is the Son of God.

58. The Bible: The most popular book that ever existed. This is the book of Christianity. Christians and traditional Americans believe (and correctly so) that the Constitution allows for it to be taught in public schools. Liberals believe it cannot be taught in public schools. Honestly, it used to be taught in public schools prior to the 1960s. My personal opinion: I don't think this needs to be taught in public schools. However, people should not be punished for doing so.

59. The 10 Commandments: The 1st Amendment gives any person, including public officials, the right to display them. However, if an activist judge (see below) orders for them to be removed from public view, the person ordered to do this must follow the rule of law.

60. Activist judge: A judge who rules by his personal opinion and not by the rule of law.

61. Smoking: All people have a right to do it so long as they do not impede upon another persons right to breath free air. The government got people addicted to cigarettes during WWI and WWII by providing them for free and lying to people that they were safe.

62. Rowe-V-Wade: An unwritten law (see below) created by the U.S. Supreme court that legalizes abortion. According to the 10th Amendment it is an Unconstitutional law. However, it is my opinion that to change this law would be worse than keeping the status quo by creating a public outcry = to when it was created.

63. Unwritten law: A law that is created by the courts and not the legislature. This is unconstitutional, but is a method used by liberals to get their views made into law. Since most of their views are unpopular with the people (legalized abortion, gay marriage), they find this is their only recourse available to them.

64. Parental rights: We all have the same rights per the Constitution.

65. Children's rights: All children have equal protection under the Constitution, however the parent has a right to discipline children as appropriate. A parent has the right make and be informed of all medical procedures performed on the child, even if it is an abortion.

66. Abortion Consent: This falls under parental rights. Common sense says that anyone who wishes to have an abortion should be educated on what their baby looks like right now and possible consequences of having an abortion. They should also be forced to wait a minimum of 24 hours prior to getting an abortion if they still choose to take that route.

67. Freedom of Choice: The right to choose. Liberals believe this only refers to your right to choose abortion. Conservatives believe this refers to your right to choose whether or not to have an abortion, a school, a teacher, a job, etc.

68. Government income: The amount of money generated through taxes, and are usually used to pay for government services. When taxes go up this goes up in the short term, but in the long run income will decline as corporations are forced to cut or not create new jobs in order to pay taxes. When taxes go down this goes down in the short term, but in the long run it goes up as since corporations have more money to create jobs with. Liberals will lie and teach in schools that government income always increases with tax hikes and decreases with tax cuts, but history has proven this not to be true. Warren G. Harding, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush all cut taxes and saw government revenue increase. The Kennedy and Reagan tax cuts saw a phenominal increase in government revenue greater than any tax hike ever created. The Reagan tac cut saw government income double over eight years.

69. Unemployment: The number of people who qualify to work who are currently not working and claiming government money. The higher the taxes the higher unemployment will be (see tax hikes and Government income above). The lower taxes the lower unemployment will be. My opinion, there should be an incentive

70. Government handout (welfare): When people who do not pay taxes get a said "tax cut" or other government check. Welfare can be a good thing short term. People on welfare should use it as a stepping stone and not as a lifestyle. My opinion, there should be an incentive for people to get off Welfare, and people on it should not be punished for working.

71. Social Security: Money paid to the government by those who work. It can be taken out at a certain age (62 or greater depending on when you were born). It was intended to guarantee the elderly had money to survive, but the since the government is such a poor manager of government programs, this check is basically a scant income My opinion, people receiving social security should not be punished for working.

72. Retirement: Quitting work. People can retire whenever they have enough money to maintain their present quality of life, and not when the government says they can collect their social security check. Ideally, you should not rely on your social security to retire on because it will not be enough. People who live material lifestyles have a tendency not to plan ahead for retirement. People who live frugal lifestyles prepare for and can reap the rewards of retirement.

73. Material lifestyle: Living above your means. Purchasing material things like boats, cars, the best toys for your kids, vacations, etc. at the expense of living a wise and frugal lifestly. Usually these people run up their credit and spend all the money they make with each pay check. They live for now and, quite often, do not prepare for retirement and are forced to work longer, or retire when their social security check is available. The government wants you to live this type of lifestyle because you will be keeping the economy going. Some of these individuals love their "things" more than other people.

74. Frugal lifestyle: Living within your means. This usually means not running up a debt, or paying for things only as you have the money to pay for it right now. The government does not want you to live this lifestyle, so it is not taught in the government run school system.

75. Bailout: See welfare, only it's welfare for said corporation. It's also an attempt of liberals to spread liberalism (i.e. spread socialism). It's an attempt by the government to control corporations (see General Motors).

76. Fairness: Liberals believe fairness is taking from the rich and giving the poor what is rightfully theirs. They want to make sure all people have an equal piece of the economic pie. Conservatives believe fairness is allowing people who worked hard to earn money to keep what is rightfully theirs.

77. Color blind society: Seeing people by their qualifications and not by their color. Conservatives want people to live in a "color blind society." Liberals want people to live in a society that sees people by their color, because that's how people should be hired in some cases (see affirmative action).

78. Secularism: The attempt of liberals to create a world absent of God and religion. The idea here is that in the presence of God people have a conscience and feel guilty when they do something that is "supposedly" wrong. Liberals want peole to be more "liberal" in what they do, and therefore God stands in the way of that.

79. Conscience: A niche in the back of your mind where your dad's voice is always telling you to "stop" when you are thinking of doing something wrong.

80. Guilt: Something Christians have. It's a bad feeling when you do something "wrong" or unlawful.

81. Separation of Church and State: A phrase coined by Thomas Jefferson years after the establishment of the Constitution. It is not mentioned in the Constitution, yet liberals will have you believe it is.

82. Punishment: Conservatives believe if you break the law you should be punished. Liberals believe if you break the law you should be... what's the word I'm looking for.

83. Negotiate: Making a deal with people intent on harming others.

84. Evil nations: Any nation who openly or secretly wants to destroy another nation. Some examles are Iran, North Korea and Syria.

85. Blame: The cause of a problem or problems. Liberals like to blame America first for all the problems in the world. As you will hear them appologizing often. Actually, liberals believe capitalism is to "blame" for all problems, and since America is the leader of capitalsim, it gets the runt of the "blame."

86. Appologizing: Asking other nations or the leaders thereof to forgive America for creating all the problems in the world. Liberals tend to do this often.

87. Priorities: God, wife, children, other people, other things. In any other order your life does not function properly. Conservatives believe you should keep your priorities in this order so you stay on the good. Liberals believe you should do what feels good in the moment.

88. Marriage: A union between a man and a woman. It is my opinion the government should encourage this and not punish via more taxes those who choose to get married. It is an institution that was created 5,000 years ago for the purpose of raising children.

89. Dads: Fathers. Every study ever done shows that children raised by only a mom are more likely to commit crimes and end up in jail. A good dad will take up the responsiblity and raise his children.

90. Loser dads: Sperm donors. Their only purpose is to enjoy the moment. They have no intention in caring for their responsibilities.

91. Civil union: This is a union that allows one to receive the same advantages of marriage without being married, and without destroying the sanctity of marriage. Conservatives and liberals both have mixed views of "civil unions."

92. Children: Responsibility. Debt.

93. Stupid: People who don't know who the President and Vice president are.

94. Populist: People who want to ennact policies for the general good, regardless of whether or not the policies are wise policies. (e liberal above). Going with the flow of whatever the popular movement is at the time (See Tea Party Movement below)

95. Libertarian: Similar to conservativ in that they belive in a very limited government and individualism, except they don't believe it is the role of government to inculcate religion. Yet, like conservatives, they trust the people to make wiser decisions than the government. They believe it is not the role of government to worry about the consequences of personal decisions (i.e. they believe in legalized marijuana because people have the right to do what they want with their bodies).

96. Sperm donors: See loser dads.

97. Pinhead: People who make decisions based on feelings and emotions as opposed to doing research and making a well educated decision.

98. Wisdom: Those who take the time to do research and make well educated decisions.

99. Pork barrel spending: Adding spending to to bills to pay for local projects in a respresentative's district. The sole purpose of adding pork to purchase the vote of the representative in question. Representatives who participate in such "pork" are often referred to as Evil Polititinos (see evil above). The idea here is that if said representative agrees to sign this bill (whether he agrees with it or not), his own personal project will be added to it. Synynym: wasteful government spending, pork, bloated bill,

100. Level Playing Field: A goal of liberalism. See Euphoria below. The goal is to make everyone equal by taking from the rich and giving to the poor, in an attempt to make everyone poor. Liberals believ it's "not fair" that some people have money and some don't, so they aim to make everyone poor by raising taxes. They get away by this because they don't tell the people the truth. What they tell people are things like, "This is for the public good," or "I feel your pain." The ultimate goal here is not to help people at all, as no liberal program has ever helped anyone. The goal is to create more democrats. To conservatives a level playing field getting government out of the way so that every person has an equal chance to succeed.

101. Euphoria: Liberals believe a state of world piece, a state where everyone lives in total happiness is attainable. Conservatives believe euphoria is defined differently by different people, and total and complete euphoria the way liberals see it is unattainable. However, the closest we can ever come to it is via capitalsm (see conservatism above).

102. Idealists: People who want to create a perfect, euphoric world.

103. Realists: People who know perfection and complete euphoria is unattainable, however they continue to strive for it.

104. Constitution: Liberals believe it gives freedoms to the people. Conservatives understand it protects the freedoms we all are born with.

105. Pragmatist: One who will do anything to get a vote for his party no matter what the cost. These people will even give up principal for a vote. In essence, they are pinheads.

106. Pinhead: A stupid person

107. Originalism: Those who believe the constitution should be interpreted based on the belief of those who wrote it. These people are able to put aside their political views and interpret based on the laws that are enacted before them. Synynom: judging.

108. Activist: Those who believe the Constitution should not be interpreted based on the belief of those who wrote it, rather the opinions of those ruling. These people do not put aside their political beliefs when ruling, and are therefore not so much judging but making laws. They are more interested in the cause than what is Constitutionally right. Since they are unable to have their views accepted constitutionally, they resort to "activist judges" or "activism on the bench" to make laws. Example: Row-V-Wade. Better example: One judge ruling that gay marriage is legal in San Fransisco, while the people voted against it. Thus, they rule based on their opinion, and have a tendency to disrespect written law. They are more interested in the rule of law than the rule of man. Activists are pinheads, and they exist in both the republican and democratic party. However, at present, most tend to be liberal activists.

109. Rule of Law: People who govern by the laws that are set before them.

110. Rule of Man: People who make up the laws as they go along. They do not respect laws nor Constitutions. They are considered dictators and tirants and the governments they rule over are considered regimes. Rules are made by one man rather than by a group of men in a democratic or republican process. Rules are made at the discretion of one man.

111. Healthcare reform: Conservatives understand America has the best Health Care system in the world and that 90 other countries come here to take advantage of it. The only problem with the system is cost. Reform, therefore, should be an effort to cut costs, and the best way of lowering cost is by creating more competition. They also understand that every person, regardless of whether or not they have HC insurance, has access to the system. Liberals, on the other hand, understand there are many individuals without access to good healthcare, and believe America has the worst HC system of any developed country. Liberals don't trust the markets to solve this problem, and believe the only way to fix it is by creating a Federal HC system that will give people the good health they were born to have (See Health Care above).

112. Torture: According to the liberal doctrine: harsh interrogation

113. Interrogation: An attempt by one party to do whatever it takes to get information from a prisoner in order to save the lives of Americans.

114. Nativist: This is a liberal word that describes the view on immigration that only certain people should be allowed to immigrate to America. Thus, a "nativist" is a racist.

115. Immigration: Liberals believe that every person should have access to America, and those who counter this belief are Nativists (see above). They also believe that aliens who comes into America successfully yet illegally and is able to stay hidden for at least five years should have an opportunity to become a legal citizen. They believe these individuals are needed to do the jobs no other Americans want to do. Democrats understand (even though they didn't intend for this to happen) that poor and needy people tend to vote for the party that wants to give to people what they did not earn, and therefore tend to vote for democrats. Therefore, democrats want as many poverty stricken, uneducated immigrants to enter the U.S. as posible, whether legally or illegally. It is for this reason they want America to cater to immigrants and tolerate that America is becoming a salad bowl (see below). Conservatives believe the only people who should have access to America are the well educated and those who will make America a better place, and chose to have a selective immigration policy like the traditional immigration policy of years past. Some republicans are liberal on immigration policy, and think if they can cater to immigrants they will change political affiliation and vote for them. Some republicans have a more conservative immigration viewpoint, and believe as immigrants improve their lives in America, so too will America improve.

116. Salad bowl: This is a conservative definition for the liberal view on immigration. This is the result of the liberal view on immigration (see above), where each group of immigrants continues to speak its own language, keep its own customs, and expects America to change and cater to their needs.

117. Melting pot: Traditional immigrants appreciated and were honored just to have the opportunity of a better life, and would come to America and asimilate to his or her new land, thus continuing the tradition of "unity" that made America the greatest nation in the history of the world. Immigrants would keep their own traditions, yet at the same time they would try their hardest to assimilate (see below), and this would benefit both parties.

118. Assimilate: Learning the language of Americans, which is English. To adapt to the American way of life.

119. English: The language of prosperity and capitalism. Democrats (not necessarily liberals) believe immigrants should keep their own language because those who speak English have a greater chance of prospering and becoming republicans. Conservatives want all people to have an opportunity to improve their lot in life, and understand that learning the English language (in an odd way) is the best way to start the process.

120. Earnings: Liberal view: Getting what is rightfully mine, whether I work or not. Conservative: wages and salaries.

121. Peace: Liberals view peace as the absence of conflict. Conservatives view peace as the ability to defend your country and stop bad people from doing harm to other people or other nations.

122. Neoconservative: This is one of the two main branches of the conservatism. A new political view that believes it is the right of democratic and free nations to spread democracy and human rights to other nations. When it comes to the economy they, unlike true conservatives, are willing to use the government to pay for social programs to the benefit of the people. They are generally support free markets, but are willing to override the free market at times to pay for social programs. George W. Bush was a good example of a neoconservative. The Bush Doctrine is a good example of neocon foreign policy, and the prescription drug program a good example of the neocon economic policy. Unlike paleoconservatives, they are more likely to focus on a strong national security.

123. paleoconservative: This is one of the two main branches of the conservatism. They are pro-capitalist conservatives who believe the role of government is to act as isolationists, whereby putting America first and not involving itself in foreign wars unless to defend America. They like to preserve American Culture. They believe that American borders need to be protected to protect America from forein invasion and to prevent illegal alliens from entering the country. They do not agree it is America's responsibility to fund forein social programs and it is not the role of government to put capitalism aside to pay for a welfare state (as neoconservatives do). They believe the American government should focus on an American identity, traditional values, civil society, and federalism. Unlike neoconservatives, they oppose social entitlement programs. They were critical of the Iraq war and the Bush administration.

124. Fascism: (Liberal Fascism, also see liberalism, socialism): an attempt by governmental leaders to perfect society in name of doing what the "will of the people" calls for by tinkering with the government and by creating social programs. This is a type of totalitarian government with regulations, laws, tax hikes and the like to create an ideal state (utopia, a perfect society).

125. News: The relaying of the facts.

126. Editorial: Relaying of one's opinion.

127. Bad journalsim: When editorial statements somehow get mixed into the news.

128: Greed : To liberals greed is profits. Anyone who receives a profit in the capitalistic system at the expense of the needy is a greedy person. Greed therefore is synonymous with profit. Liberals, therefore, view profit as a zero sum game, where if one person succeeds another person must fail. Thus is why they are for socialistic programs that take from the rich and give to the poor and tend to be proponents of equal distribution of wealth. Conservatives believe profit is not a zero sum game and believe there is enough money so that every one on the planet could be rich if he makes the effort to do so. Therefore, greed to conservatives is defined as hoarding money and greed to liberals is making too much money. How liberals define "too much" money is subject to the person or group in power.

129: Marxism: The attempt to change society fast, as though through revolution. This is a quick overtake of government with the intent of creating a more socialistic or ideal society.

130: Progressivism: (progressive n.) (synonym: marxism, socialism, communism, liberalism) The attempt to change society slowly, as if through baby steps. This is the new politically correct term for liberalism. The goal is to create a socialistic society gradually so it is more accepting. They tell people what they want to hear, feign that they care, and when they get a new program, they gradually change it until their ultimate, ideal society is created. They tend to prefer to tax the upper class to pay for programs for the lower class, and generally do so without regard for future consequences (i.e. government deficits, increased taxes for future generations). While they tend to tell the people what they want to hear, their goal is to make it so everyone in the world is poor. This totalitarian philosophy may explain why they are often seen supporting dictators like Castro, Hugo Chavez, and ahmadinejad. They believe change is good, and everything is expendable, from individualism, freedom, the Constitution, morals, values, tradition and capitalism for the benefit of the state. They believe the Constitution to be outdated. Thus, the first goal of progressivism is to discredit the authority of the past, thus Chritianity is bad to them and secularism is good, and the Constitution needs to be changed, and progressives need to control the schools. They believe the state is more important than the individual.

131. New York Times front page: See editorial above.

132. Poll: a) A method of asking questions to obtain the general viewpoints of the population. b) A method of the media (see New York Times above) to get their opinions on the front page; a way to make news when it otherwise doesn't exist; a way to create the ebb and flow of the news; a method of swaying elections when the polling results are in your favor.

133. Tea Party Movement: a) A populist (see above) movement where a growing number of Americans tired of big government, high taxes, liberalism, socialism, out of control spending, and all of that at the expense of future generations. b) A movement opposed to irresponsible government. c) A movement of growing resentment of political leaders reniging on campaign promises with the intent on getting re-elected instead of doing what is right. d) people opposed to an anti-capitalistic agenda of Barack Obama. (Note: Despite claims by some, this movement is a populist movement, not a conservative movement).

134. Conservative Movement: a) An attempt to restore traditional American Values and the original intent of the U.S. Constitution to maintain a small and limited federal government where the ruling class is not the federal government but the people. b) An attempt to limit the power of the fed and give control back to the states, local governments, and the people; an attempt to localize government, or increase soveignity of the states, local governments, and the people.

135. Anti-capitalist: People opposed to capitalism. (see liberalism, populism, marxism)

136. Sovereignity: The right to govern over yourself without having to worry about a greater government or power.

137. Laws: a) an attempt to protect the rights of the majority by limiting the rights of a others. b) Limits on the people created by a ruling party c) An attempt to make sure your rights do not take away the rights of other people. Stated another way: Your rights stop where mine begin. d) It is important to note that every time a new law is created someone's rights are taken away. Therefore, laws must be limited)

138: Bill of Rights: A bill created to make sure God Given Freedoms -- the freedoms people are born with -- are not taken away by the Federal government.

139. God Given Freedoms (rights): Those freedoms we are born with (see Bill of rights). For example, We are born with the right to speak, to assemble, to choose, etc.) These rights are not given to us by the Constitution, they are rights we are born with, and that only the government can take away.

140. Classical Liberalism: It is committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals, including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets. Classical liberalism was revived in the 20th century by Milton Friedman and later William F. Buckley Jr., and renamed conservatism. It was renamed conservatism because the word "progressive" had become unpopular, and the "progressives" adopted the word "liberal" during the FDR administration. Thus, classical liberalism and conservatism are actually one and the same.

141. Deconstructionism: The belief that there is no single meaning to any text, and that history can be changed for the benefit of progressivism. That there is not true meaning to any text, and that the individual can make of it whatever he wants. Meaning is created through individual will. The right interpretation is the one held by the interpreter. This is what allows progressives to change textbooks, to teach their version of history, such as they leave out of their textbooks that the Pilgrims experimented with socialism and decided that capitalism worked better, and that is the reason for the first Thanksgiving. Socialism made every individual lazy and unwilling to do his share, and crops were poor as a result. Yet progressive history books preach that the First Thanksgiving was to give thanks to the Indians. It was to give thanks to God for giving them capitalism, which ultimately gave them good crops.

142. Movement: Unlike progress, movement does not imply a fixed destination. Rather, it takes it as a given that any change is better. This is what justifeid Hitler (who used the word many times in Mein Kampf) revolution to take over Germany, and what motivates progressives/liberals today to "slowly" step by step progressivise America. Destroy the old, and bring in the new. The rule of law must be changed, the Constitution, the courts, the police, the politicians (they've taken over both parties to some extent) and religion.

143. Welfare state: A social safety net; a system by which the goevrnment can address economic inequalities, presumably for the betterment of the whole society, with special emphasis on the least fortunate.

144. Education: For conservatives, it's teaching real history as it really happened. For liberals, it's trying to get the entire society to see the wisdom in progressive policy.

145. American Exceptionalism:

146. Unconstrained vision: People (mainly liberals and progressives) assume everyone sees things through the same categorical prism... liberals assume their ideological opposites take the 'bad' view to their good. If liberals assume blascks -- or women --, or gays -- are inherently good, conservatives must think these same are inherently bad." This is why liberals justify claiming that conservatives who oppose welfare programs don't like the poor, and conservitives who oppose gay rights therefore hate gays, and those who oppose affirmative action therefore hate blacks.

147. Political Correctness: An unwitten law where you basically scare people into using nice words as opposed to words that might offend someone. Such as the word "niggardly" should never be used because it might offend blacks, even though it's definition has nothing to do with racism. It's keeping good people in a constant state of fear that they might offend. This is why janitors are now called environmental service workers.

148: Niggardly: Reluctant to give or spend; miserly

149. Anti Semitism: Hatred of Jews. Belief that Jews should not be assimilated with the rest of society. It is intended to ground hatred of Jews in the progressive language of scientific eugenics.

150. Kulturkampf: A liberal term that refers to the efforts of the right to impose its values on the rest of the country by demonizing liberals. It's meant to refer to the onslaught against the attacks by the left against the forces of traditionalism and conservatism. It initially was a term coined by liberal Germans as an attack on the German Catholic Church. Germans believed people would not be loyal to a German Church or religion if they were following a traditional Catholic one. Catholicism was seen as being in the way of the state, nationalism, scientism, and progress. Behind the pulse of this term was the desire to create a new religion, a religion of the state. The Germans called this: Volk-state. Prussia and Germany got rid of religion fast, yet in America, because of Constitutional restraints, getting rid of religion has been a slow tedious process. This also explains why abortion is not viewed as a religious topic by the left, because religosity and morality have no place in public affairs.

151: Volk-state: This is the goal of progressivism, to create one religion, a religion of the state. They want people to worship the state as opposed to their individual religions. This is why many communist and socialistic nations banned religion, and why many liberals don't want prayer in schools, are opposed to Christmas, opposed to Pledge of Allegiance, displays of the Ten Commandments, and are generally anti-religion. They want Christianity to die a slow death.

152. Nationalism: The belief that the state is of primary importance over individual rights (see below). The belief that ones state is superior to all other states. A call to get a nation to the way it was in the past and to get rid of illegal aliens. This is a strong identification of a group toward it's nation. All people in a region owe allegiance to their nation. Liberals believe nationalism is bad because it encourages one nation to feel superior or inferior to other nations, and this often leads to wars. Liberals believe the world is your nation. Conservatives believe nationalism is good, and that Americans should always consider themselves "patriotic" because their own nation protects their natural rights better than any other nations ever would.

153. Multicultural identity politics: 1) An attempt to make a tribe of all the people, especially the working class. An attempt to make all people the same; an attempt to create an ideal class. Communists and socialists attempted to do this by redistributing wealth, as Obama also has attempted this, as did FDR. 2) Using government to force your ideals on the society. 3)Use of schools to preach your views and inculcate your values on children. Liberals do this by making it so prayer is not allowed in school, teaching their version of history, and teaching global warming as fact. Conservatives do too by trying to make it so that religion is taught in schools, prayer is allowed or mandated, and try to translate their views to the national level too. In a sense, an attempt by conservatives to use government to effect society it is also using a form of socialism. One problem with this is that since the battle is to create one world vision by indoctrinating our children, all races (especially white Americans) are in a fight to make that vision theirs. This in a sense creates a divide between the races. It's actually another example of governmental good intentions making things worse.

154. Neo-progressive: See Paleoconservatism and compassionate conservatism. This is a better term. It's the use of government by conservatives to impace society. An examle is GWB giving government money to churches that have programs that will help the underprivelidged so long as they provide this help to people of all religions (faith based initiatives). They create programs based on good intentions. Pat Buchanan was actually the first compassionate conservative, and GWB was the first to become President. Basically, neo-progressives, paleoconservatives, and compassionate conservatives are the same thing, and are basically examples of progressivism on the right.

155. Compassionate Conservative: See Neo-progressive. An attempt by conservatives to make their policies seem more friendly. A form of conservative social reform. One example is GWB giving government money to church organizations that have programs to help the general public. Another example is the No Child Left Behind Act, which generally strengthens a government run school system and forces state schools to conform to the government view. It's an attempt to make the republican party seem more activist.

156. Traditional American: Conservative; classical liberal; libertarian; Whig; One who protects and defends what are considered liberal institutions in Europe or Conservative ones in America: private property, free markets, individual liberty, freedom of conscience, and the rights of communitiies to determine for themselves how they will live within these guidelines. Likewise, progress comes from individual innovation that comes about when individuals are left to their own devices and without government intervention.

157. Negative Liberty: Preventing the state from enroaching on our freedoms. Defending traditional America.

158. Positive Liberty: The state does everything it can to help us reach our full potential, often at the expense of traditional America.

159. Political Activism: Unlike libertarians and classical liberals, conservatives are not opposed to government activism. They will use government, but only when necessary, to spread their views. A good example is virtues and values. They believe that abortion is bad and abortions should be illegal for all. Libertarians and classical liberals hold that abortions should be -- as is noted by the Constitution -- left to the states to decide. Liberals and Progressives are highly busy in the area of activism.

160. Personal Salvation: That if a man believes in God, and he follows the virtues set forth by the Lord, then he shall get to Heaven. Likewise, on the part of the man himself there is set forth no condition or requirement for his salvation. Your personal salvation is neither a gift nor a process, but the result of a relationship between each individual person and God. So long as you are faithful, and follow the good works of the Lord, then you shall get to Heaven. They tend to be conservative, and believe that the Government should create an environment for people to prosper, and should allow people to do what they think is best for themselves. That by doing good, people will automatically, as if by default, be doing something to the benefit of society. They may try to convince you as to what is right, yet they will not force you. They believe no one knows what's right, so it's best to encourage personal responsibility rather than to force everyone to believe in your views.

161. Collective Salvation: This is the belief that you have to believe in God to get to Heaven, and if you don't believe in God then it's my job to make force you. If you don't take care of your body, it's my job to force you. An example of this is Michelle Obama saying that kids should be forced to give up dessert. Another example are the people suing McDonald's because toys in Happy Meals encourage kids to eat bad. They tend to be liberal and tend to believe in the Progressive idea that experts, or czars, should decide what's best for man and force man to do what they think is right, or New York Congressmen creating a law telling restaurants they can no longer put salt in foods to force people to no longer eat salt, or lawmakers talking about raising taxes on sodas to discourage its use. They will try to convince you as to what is right, and if you don't follow them they will try to force you. They believe they know what's right for everyone.

162. Rule of Man: This is where one man makes all the rules and forces all others to follow these rules. One man or group of men rule arbitrarily. This system believes that one man or group of men knows what's best for society. The one who creates the law is immune to the law, or he is above all others. The government is one man or group of men.

163. Rule of Law: No one person is above all others. Laws are created by individual men or representatives of those men for all to follow, and those laws are mandatory for all to follow. The government is run by the collective masses. Thomas Paine wrote in "Common Sence,"in America, the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other."

164. Individual rights: Right to life and pursuit of happiness. Right to live your life the you you choose, so long as you respect the rights of other people. This was the ultimate goal of the founding fathers, to create a government where each person's individual rights were respected. This is similar to the rights of men, and the opposite of the rights of man.

165. Rights of men: Respecting individual or natural rights of each individual person. This was the ultimate goal of the founding fathers, and one of the key reasons the U.S. Constitution has lasted as long as it has. This is usually the systematic approach to capitalism (conservatism). By protecting the rights of the individual, the individual is thus encouraged to be the best he can be. This leads to an incentive to succeed and to invent and to make your life and the lives of your countrymen better.

166. Rights of man: Respecting the rights of man as a whole. Respecting state is the goal here which supersedes the right of the individual. This tends to be the goal in socialistic (liberal, progressive, Marxist, Lenanist, totolitarianistic) forms of governments, and one of the key reasons they ultimately never succeed long term. This ultimately leads to a system of redistribution that creates a disincentive of individuals to want to do things to better themselves and their country.

167. Redistribution of Wealth: This is where you take from the haves and give it to the have nots. This is where you try to make all people equal by punishing those who have succeeded and reward those who do not succeed. This is one of the steps of socialism (liberalism, progressivism, Marxism, lenanism).

168. Social Justice: This is when the government says we want to make everyone equal with equal stuff. To obtain this you have to create a system of redistribution of wealth (see above). This is not what the Gospel preaches. The Gospel preaches rule of man or individual rights. If you are better than someone else, you have something taken from you to make you equal to everyone else. If you are worse than everyone else, you are given something that you did not earn to make you equal. This is ultimately a socialistic system where your ultimate goal is to create an ideal world where everyone is equal. This usually results in a disincentive to do anything since everything you get is for free anyway. Historically, every time this system has been enacted their are plenty of supply of goods and services such as food, yet few willing to distribute it. It also results in high taxes and many government programs that generally lead to governmental bankruptcy.

169. Martin Luther King Jr: An individual who championed equal rights to the American Dream, not social justice. He was a supporter of the rights of men, not the rights of man. He was a great American, and worthy of a national day of recognition (holiday).

170. Flaw: We are all not perfect. No one knows what's best for everyone. This is a common belief of conservatives and capitalists. However, progressives and socialists believe they know what's best for everyone and an ideal world is possible. Progressives believe experts in certain areas (czars) should decide what's best for people, assuming they are flawless.

171. Flawless: The goal of creating the perfect person. Similar to collective salvation (see above). If you do something the progressive expert believes is not good for you, you will be forced to change. They may not tell you outright you can't do something, yet they will raise the price of this product (perhpas via high taxes) so you can no longer afford it. An example of this is high cigarette taxes, taxes on certain foods such as those that contain high amounts of salt, fat (McDonalds), etc.

172. Individual Responsibility: You are ultimately responsible for your own success or failure. You may have access to good schools, yet only you can determine if you learn anything. You may have access to food, yet you're responsible to put it on your plate. You may have access to jobs, yet you're responsible for getting and keeping it.

173. Egalitarian: Belief in idealism, or the theory that all people should be equal and can be equal. A view held by Marxist, socialists, progressives, liberals, Lenanists, etc. Belief in equal political, social, economical, and social reform. Social justice. Collective Salvation.

174: Absolutism: The system that gives absolute power to the government. A theory holding that values and principles are absolute and not relative or not dependent or changing on the individual or individual circumstances. Ideas and values are unchanging and come from an absolute leader, such as the government. A political system where all power should be vested in one system or government or single ruler. Socialism. Liberalism. Progressivism. Statism. Totolitarianism. Social justice. Collective Salvation.

175. Relativism: AThe criteria of judgemnt is relative and varying. A theory truth and moral values are not absolute but are relative to the person or groups holding them.

176. Bad Reparations: Making people today pay for the sins of their grandfathers. Making citizens of America in 2010 pay for the sins of the slaveholders back in the 18th and 19th centuries.

177. Good Reparations: Making the group of people or person responsible for a bad deed pay for his bad deed. A good example is making BP pay for the damage the leak it caused in the Gulf Coast. BP is responsible for paying the healthcare bills of those hurt as a result of the damage.

178. Statism: The political system of giving economic, political, legislative, and other controls to the state at the expense of individual rights. Socialism. Liberalism. Progressivism. Marxism.

179. Ways and Means Committee: The most powerful committee in this country. They write the tax law. Every tax bill is originated there, no matter what a president wants, no matter what some Senator wants, it starts at the Ways and Means Committee. That's where the lobbying starts, that's where all the arm twisting starts.

180. TaxesFor conservatives and capitalists it's about the economy; it's about making money. That's why conservatives and capitalists always talk about lowering taxes in order to stimulate the economy, considering every time certain taxes are cut the Federal government draws in more income. That's why conservatives get vexed when liberals choose to raise taxes. Conservatives want a tax code that will allow governments to raise money so they don't go into debt. To liberals (both republican and democrat) taxes are about power. It's the power to create whatever kind of society you want. To give tax credits, tax breaks, or deductions for people who do this or buy that so you can get them to buy the things you want them to buy, such as homes. Taxes allow liberals the ability to grow their progressive agenda. They use it to get people to stop smoking or start smoking cigarettes, to stop drinking or to drink more alcohol. You can alter the tax code to get people to make more charitable contributions or less. More important, politicians can use the tax code to buy votes. They can give tax breaks to certain individuals for doing certain things, and they can give tax breaks to certain businesses. In this way, politicians can buy votes and pay back anyone who gives campaign contributions. Politicians have even used the tax code as an excuse to add more laws, such as the healthcare reform bill. Here they refer to the healthcare reform bill as a tax, and that's how they justify the constitutionality of forcing people to buy healthcare even though conservatives say the healthcare bill is unconstitutional. As long as there are progressives running Washington, a better, more fair, less skewered, less progressive tax code will never be written.

They will never vote to get rid of that kind of power. It's the basis of progressivism.

Conservatives believe attempts by the government to raise revenue should only be for those activities that the Constitution authorizes an no others. Otherwise, what are the limits on the government's power to tax and regulate?

181. Literalville: Saying what you mean and doing what you say. Most of us live in this ville. Many politicians do not, as they tell us one thing and then when they get elected they do another. Synonym is politically incorrect.

182.  Politically correct: Saying what you think people want to hear regardless of what your beliefs are. Lying. Liberalism. Progressivism.

183.  Politically incorrect: Saying what you mean. What you say holds true to your principles. Speaking the truth.

184.  Amnesty: Conservatives see it as forgiving illegal aliens for illegally entering and living in the United states. They see it as rewarding them for breaking the law. Liberals (both in republican party and democratic party) see it as buying votes. Since a majority of illegal aliens are impoverished, liberals see them as victims. Since liberalism caters to victims, charishes victimizatin, liberals know illegals given amnesty will most likely vote for them. This ultimately means more democratic voters.

185.  Minority Status: The left sees anyone who is not in the majority in America, and they are the victims of the majority, and they need special redress. In this sense, those on the left see anyone of Majority Status as members of the ruling class. Those with true minority status (as viewed by history and most definitions) are those whose views, race, creed or opinion is less than 50% in any specific region (such as African Americans in the U.S are of minority status, or republicans in Washington prior to election day in 2010, and liberalism in the U.S.).

186.  Majority Status: The left believes the majority is a bunch of bigots and homophobes; they are racist; they are sexist. They need to Federal Aide in some form in order to make things more fair between them and those with Majority Status (White European Americans). In a sense the left has changed the definition of Majority Status to fit their agenda of changing the nation. The right and history sees and most dictionaries define this as whatever race or creed consists of the majority of citizens of a particular region. Examples: conservatism in the U.S., caucasion Americans, etc, Liberals in government, Liberals in the Judiciary, etc.

187.  Sexual Preference: The left will consider sexual preference a minority status. The right will consider sexual preference a lifestyle.

188.  Victims: The left will attempt to advance the victiims of this nation. Victims include anyone in the minority. Victims include anyone who is not in the majority, which includes any non-European discent people in America: African American, Mexican American, Illegal Aliens, Gays and Lesbians. The right sees a victim as a person who has been wronged in the eyes of written law.

189.  American Youth: They have always tended to lean to the left (have liberal views), and they tend to not vote. The (minority) conservative youth in America tend to be frustrated that most people their age is liberal

190.  Universities: (a.k.a. Higher learning) Schools in America are owned by the left, and therefore these are often referred to as liberal institutions, places where the left preaches liberalism (socialism).

191.  Liberal Satelites: The media, a.k.a. CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, etc.

192.  Islam: A rising faith, the largest on earth, with 1.5 billion adherents. It is a militant faith that believes it will one day encompass all mankind. It holds there is but one God, Allah, that his last and greatest prophet was Muhammad, that Islam, the path of submission, is the path of salvation. It believes that its sacred book, the Koran, should inform the culture, that Sharia should be the basis of civil law.Where it has become the dominant faith, it has been intolerant of rivals, especially Christianity, the faith of the Crusaders.

By no means are all or most Muslims fanatics of the Osama bin Laden variety, but many are uncompromising in their belief that, once their faith becomes the majority faith in a community or society, Muslims should write the rules and Muslims should make the laws. Thus, the rule of man shall rule, and the rule of law shall no longer be the way of the land. Thus, The U.S. Constitution shall no longer exist, and we all shall live under one religion instead of majority rule.

193.  Elitist: A person who thinks he is above everyone else; a person who thinks he knows more than everyone else; a person who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else.

194.   Republicans In Name Only (RINO): These are those folks who run for public office who run as republicans not because they believe in republican principles, but because they believe most people in their voting district vote republican, and so they become republicans just to get elected. The usually agree with liberal democrat ideas, and vote for them too. Yet around election time they pretend to be conservatives, just like liberal democrats.

195.  The Buckley Rule: A rule noted by Conservative William F. Buckley whereby you vote for the rightward most viable candidate. He basically flipped around the Galbraith Rule. The theory is that it's better to have a true Marxist in the office that you know, than a republican who is really a liberal/ progressive in disguise.

196.  The Galbraith Rule: A rule noted by Liberal John Kenneth Galbraith whereby you vote for the leftward most viable candidate. He coined the phrase.

197.  Comprimise: Supporting liberalism (see bipartisan above)

198.  Controversial: A conservative; a conservative thought; any person or thought process that does not support progressivism/ liberalism/ socialism

199.  The Forgotten Man: Graham Sumner (1840-1910), in an 1883 speech, described him as the average American who is overlooked by lawmakers who pass bills to help the poor. He notes that you have four men: A, B, C and X. A and B get together and decide something has to be done to help out X, who is poor and has no job. So to help X, A and B pass a law whereby A, B and C will be taxed so the money can be used to help out X. A and B can afford to give the charity. But C is just your common man trying to make a living. And when the government taxes him, he is unable to get by, or barely able to get by. Because he is forced to help out X, he has to make cut backs other places. In essence, he is the true Forgotten Man. FDR, in a 1932 Fireside chat, described the Forgotten man as the poor man who needed our support. He used this twisted definition to gain support for his progressive programs. This is the Forgotten Man referred to most often by the media and in schools.

200. The Mainstream: These are Americans, or voters, who are in the majority. They are conservatives (see proof), traditional Americans, Capitalists, etc. The liberals will tell you that liberalism is the mainstream, yet every thing they stand for are issues opposed by the majority, which does not put them in the mainstream: cap and trade, bailouts, tax hikes, stimulus packages, pork spending, etc.

201.  Mainstream media: The liberal media (ABC, NBC, ABC, MSNBC). Partisan political operatives who are out of touch with mainstream America (see 194 above). They also act as satelites for the Democratic National Commmittee. They keep hiring liberals to tell the news, and can't figure out why their ratings are failing and why networks like Fox News and Conservative radio is seeing ratings skyrocket. (sometimes referred to as "lamestream" media by conservative advocates).

202.  Narcissist: According to dictionary.com, it's an innordinate fascination with one's self; excessive self love; self centeredness; smugness. In politics it refers to a person who puts his own personal beliefs before what is good for the country. A good example is progressive/ liberal Congressmen, Senators and a President who vote on policies that are not popular with the people, such as the 2010 Obama Healathcare Reform Bill. The people didn't want it, yet they forced it on us "for your own good." Narcissitic politicians lack empathy for people holding viewpoints they do not agree with. They believe they are omnipotent and omniscient, and that is why progressives feel it is a good idea to have elite politicians (preferably fellow progressives) making decisions for people. This is why progressives believe a world run by the U.N. or New World Order with elites making all the decisions of all people of the world for their own good is the best way to manage society. They are narcissist. They are arrogant. They feel superior to others. They are vulnerable to criticism, and since they feel they are right they do not take criticism well. They live and construct their own reality that's devoid of common sense and true reality. They often attack those who disagree with them, hence you are an evil person or even a Nazi if you hold conservative views. They tend to get angry easily when opposed or when they are debated because they do not hold majority views and may not even have facts on their side. They feel they are right, facts don't matter, and you are wrong if you disagree with them. They are narcissists. They often will avoid interviews where they are to face extensive criticism of their views. They cannot tolerate setbacks, which is why it frustrates them when conservative politicians win elections and pass conservative bills (tax cuts and program cuts). For more information, click here. They are oblivious of reality, and they believe everyone else feels the same way they do. You always know someone is a narcissist when you hear that person justify his political stance by saying something like, "Well, everyone else around me has the same political views I do."

203.  Colonialism:

204.  Anti-colonialism:

205.  Polls: An attempt by the media to create headlines. When the media wants to make an issue of something, they simply do a poll. They are usually reported when there is a slow news period, or close to an election.

206.  Campaign norms: This is where the media and the Democrats try to destroy the Republican and don't question the Democrat at all. The Democrat gets questioned for nothing. The Democrat is never examined. The Democrat never gets a media anal exam, but the Republican candidate's family is brought into it, his life is turned upside down, any little irregularity is chalked up to some sort of big crime or corruption, the apparatus and the Democrats in the media line up and do their best to destroy the Republicans. Charges are also not leveled by the candidates themselves, but anonymously behind the scenes operatives. The candidates that are trained at Harvard and Yale and know what to say and how to say it to get elected. The establishment (see below). The elites of the republican and democratic party.

207.  Outside campaign norms: The normal American; The American that did not go to Yale or Harvard to be trained how to run for public office; not the career politician; They tend to maybe say the wrong things as a normal person would; They react as a candidate the way average Americans react when they're watching the news; They made their fortunes on their own, by hard work and effort. They question felonious charges, and call their opponents on hypocracy. These are down-home, good natured Americans who want to represent the common folks like you and me. They are attacked by the establishment (see below), even within their own party. A good example are members of the Tea Party; anti-establishment. They may make off the cuff remarks when members of the establishment or media question their audacity to compete against the establishment. They may also not remember names and faces, because they are not trained. They may also not be the best debaters, because they are not trained to debate like those of the establishment. They are simply your normal, common folk like you and me (like the founding fathers were), who are running for political office to represent the normal, common folk.

208.  Establishment: Career politicians; politicians trained at Yale and Harvard as to what to say and how to say it and what to do to get elected; those who will do whatever it takes to get elected, even if it involves crossing the political line (supporting liber bills when you're a conservative, or conservative bills when you're a liberal) and supporting policies and programs that go against your principles or the U.S. Constitution. Basically, it's those who put themselves before their country; see narcissism above (196).

209.  Good journalism: This is when you don't know where the writer stands politically or whether or not he likes you. It's a great art when it's practiced. The problem is it's not practiced very much anymore. Too often journalists put their opinions in their writings, or they only cover the side of teh story that they agree with.

210.  Multiculturalist: dogma is that we are to “celebrate” all cultures, not change them. In other words, people who lag educationally or economically are to keep on doing what they have been doing — but somehow have better results in the future than those they had in the past. And, if they don’t have better results in the future, it is society’s fault. Such notions have been tried and have failed in other countries and times, long before they became a fashionable dogma.

211.  Misspoke: It means you actually said what you meant, but weren't supposed to. Kind of when a liberal accidentally slips and says what he really believes, such that he doesn't like the Constitution, or when Obama said the Bill of Rights is screwy or "it's in the way of what we as progressves want to do."

212.  Capitalism: The new word for socialism or communism or progressivism or liberalism; the ultimate goal of progressives/ liberals in America is to create a state controlled government that will ultimately be controlled by the New World Order via the United Nations.

213.  Earmarks: (Synonyms: Pork, bribes) A commonly used method of buying votes to get an unpopular bill passed; they are used as bribes to thwart the will of the people; They are used to change the votes of elected officials who are prepared to vote the right way to represent their constituents. they are attempts to persuade their constituents; Hey, Ben, you don't like Obamacare. How about if we pay for that bridge your state can't afford to build and you vote for Obamacare.

214.  Quantitative Easing (QE2): According to Wikipedia, "is a monetary policy used by some central banks to increase the supply of money by increasing the excess reserves of the banking system, generally through buying of the central government's own bonds to stabilize or raise their prices and thereby lower long-term interest rates." It's usually done when other methods of increasing the money supply have failed, such as efforts to improve the economy and getting people to spend instead of save. Printing more money usually results the value of the dollar going down so that it's worth less. Thus, if you used to be able to purchase two loaves of bread for a dollar, you will now only be able to buy 1 loaf for one dollar. Many people believe this is an intended efffort to raise taxes by going through the back door. It's an attempt to get people to buy less gas by making gas more expensive, for example. In that way, it's actually also a back door cap and trade method to reduce carbon emissions by making it too expensive to purchase such items. It reduces the incentive to buy what the environmentalists don't want people to buy and use. It's an intended attempt to crash the economy so that the people call to the government for help, and progressives come in with their solutions (see New World Order below).

215.  New World Order: It's often called a conspiracy theory, although new evidence suggests otherwise. It's the attempt by progressives to slowly collapse the American system by devalueing the dollar and making bonds useless in an attempt to get Americans to call to the UN to take over the American economy, and in essence create a collective world government. Thus, the UN (or NWO) will make all the laws for everyone in the world to live by. The government will be socialist, restrictions on religion and speach will be essential, and certain freedoms will be taken away for the benefit of society as a whole. This is the ultimate goal of progressives, members of the fabian society in Europe, socialists, communists, Marxists, liberals, etc. See progressive above for more detail.

216.  Fabian Society: Basically, this is the same thing as the progressive movement in America, only for Britain. This is a British movement with the intent of advancing socialism in Britain. According to Wikipedia, this society lead to the creation of the Labor Party, the decolonization of the British Empire, and it's emblem is a wolf in sheeps clothing. The emblem is representative of the secret nature of socialists in their attempt to create socialism by by surupticious and insiduous means. In other words, they gradually instill social programs (see progressive)

217.  Statist: Similar to progressive, socialist, liberal, Marxist, communist, tyrany, totolitarian, etc. The antonym of individualism and capitalism and conservative and classical liberal and constitutionalism . He believes experts at the state and federal level should make decisions for the better of the collective state for the public good. They believe it is good to demonize those who have succeeded and to take money from them to lower their stature and justify such government intervention on behalf of the victums of society. Therefore, those who have are forced to support those who are dependent on the government. In this way there is a constant attempt to create equality in society, and thus utopean and ideal society that progressives yearn for (see progressive). They like to create victims by keeping taxes high, the value of the dollar low, and then tell these victims they will provide social justice through government intervention. They yearn to solve all injustices and inequalities in society. They yearn not to just protect people from each other, but to also protect us from ourelves by preventing us from doing that of which will do ourselves harm (i.e. seatbelts, prohibition, making drugs illegal, making laws to require low salt content, laws to punish parents to spanking kids, etc.). The statist essentially creates a nanny state where the government will protect us from all evils, including the evils we create ourselves by our individual decisions. They attempt to make things that are bad for us expensive, and therefore create a disincentive to do those things that are bad for us (i.e. high taxes on cigarettes). Self reliance and indepentent though is the antethisis of the statist. All people should be similar and not unique, and this is achieved by punishing those who achieve by taxing them and therefore taking their money to help the victims the statist creates. The statist therefore requires or hopes that each individual will accept his role in society, accept that someone else is making decisions for him, and resign to the feeling of loss of individual choice and self control.

252. Equality: Conservatives define this as the everyone being born with the same natural rights, and all having the same ability to achieve and keep what one earns, and to be treated justly by the law. Since individuals are unique, perfection is not possible. Liberals see this as every individual having the same opportunities and the same outcomes. The rights of the state or the collective come before that of the individual in order to create a perfect society. If one individual is unequal, it is the goal to make them equal, by adding to their income, or taking away all for the benefit fo society. Essentiall, the individual makes a sacrifice for the good of the collective.

253. Victims: These are the down trodden of society who have needs that they view they are unable to obtain on their own, and they crave equality that only the government can provide. They are willing to give up some freedoms in order to obtain this equality. They have nothing to lose, as they believe they will not obtain equality on their own, and liberals feed on this desire by creating or suggesting government programs to satiate these needs. In this way, these "victims" generally support the progressive-liberal agenda.

254. Science: Conservatives see it as a way of increasing knowledge. Progressives see it as an opportunity to make predictions that the media accept without skeptisism and turn it into fear so the people call to the government for solutions. A good example of this is the fear global warming will destroy the earth if regulations aren't made to prevent CO2 build-up. It convinces people that it's a good thing to give up freedoms and income to help a good cause (which really isn't a good cause but made up). Another good example is the Gulf oil spill, which the media made out to be a lot worse than it really was to encourage people to accept more regulations, restrictions and more government control over the oil industry. Christian Conservatives are usually accused of not adhering to science, but actually it's progressives. Another good example is the pig flu scare of 2010 that never amounted to anything.

255. Junk science: Misrepresentations and fear mongering to make something minor seem really bad so that the people are convinced the government needs to do something to remedy the problem and progressives are ready with one of their solutions. The more dire the threat the more liberty people are willing to give up.

256. Statist Agenda: See junk science.

257. Free market: An economic system whereby industries are owned by the people, and there is no government intervention by the state. Success or failure is determined by the market. This is the original system created by the U.S. founders, yet due to increased governemnt involvement since about 1900 it has slowly turned into a controlled market. Conservatives argue the free market is the closest we can come to a perfect society (especially considering no man is perfect), and this is historically proven to be the best market for creating and distributing to the people an abundance of food, housing, energy, and medicine. It's also the best system of creating incentives to save and invest in new innovations that not only creates American Exceptionalism, but makes the entire world a better place for people to live. In this system anyone can increase their lot in life. Everyone has the opportunity to better their life. Yet at the same time everyone has the same risk of failure (see above).

257. Controlled market: An economic system whereby industries are controlled by the state, and the state controls how goods and services and labor is used. This is the ultimate goal of progressives. Products that have failed or no longer useful are often kept or "bailed out" by the government to keep the market afloat.

157. Creative Destruction: In the free market, industries, products and services that are no longer deemed needed or useful are cast aside for industries, products and services that are useful. This is needed in a free market in order to spend resources and money on useful industries, products and services and not one's that are not wanted or have failed.

158. Private property: Material items one obtains as a result of his effort and hard work. This is the key to the free market. The ability to earn and keep what one makes is an incentive to work harder and earn even more private property. May take form of income, property, posessions, etc. High taxes decrease the ability to obtain private property, and will hinder the free market, encourage one to lie about obtaining private property (encourage crooks), and otherwise decreases the value of private property. Thus attempts of the government to raise money should only be done to pay for essential government programs such as roads, security, etc.

159. Progressive Income tax: Taxing people more money the more money they earn. This was actually first proposed by Karl marx in the Communist Manifesto. An ammendment to the Constitution was passed through a progressive Congress in 1913 to make this legal in the U.S. Progressives like this type of system because it helps them create a war between the rich and the poor. In the U.S. the poor pay no taxes and the richest 5% pay 39% of all income taxes, and the top 40% pay almost 99.4% of all income taxes. Conservatives believe a flat tax where every body pays the same taxes (see below) would be more fair.

160. Flat tax (fair tax): Conservatives believe every American should pay the same percentage of income tax on their money so that every person has the same stake in limiting government abuse of our money. Progressives want to keep the progressive income tax which treats Americans of different income groups differently. Progressives believe reduction in income taxes might weaken the class structure that currently exists.

161. Class envy (warfare): An attempt by progressives to plant the rich against the poor, or otherwise called class warfare. Progressives try to stir it up by making those who benefit from the free market system appear to be greedy and hogging up all the available money at the expense of the poor. The free market, therefore, is bad becasue it creates unjust results, and further government intervention is needed to remedy the problem. Examples of this are tax cuts for the rich and disenfranchised poor. The greater the intensity between the rich and the poor the greater the opportunity for people to call for progressives to tax the rich more and redistribute this wealth (see socialism, progressivism, liberalism, Marxism, communism above). The goal is to convince the middle class that the poor are treated unfairly by the rich and free market system.

162. Middle Class: This is the majority of people in America. This is the working class. These are the people who will determine the course of the country, and these are the people conservatives and progressives aim their policies at in order to convince them they are right. They are referred to as the forgotten man (see above) by conservatives, or silent majority, or Sam's Club Shoppers, or working class or middle class. Progresives and Marxist (see Saul Alinsky's book Rules for Radicals) believe if they can control the middle class by creating social programs that cater to their needs, they can control the country.

162. Negative rights: limiting the authority of the federal government through the right not to be abused and coerced by the government. This was the intent of the founders when writing the Constitution.

163. Positive rights: Economic and social justice or the 2nd Bill of rights as written by FDR. This is the goal of the statist or progressive or socialist or communist.

164. States: This is best defined by Mark R. Levin in "Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto": Government entities that reflect the personalities, characteristics, histories and priorities of the individuals who choose to inhabit them. They have diverse geographies, climates, resources, and populations. No two states are alike. The same can be said of cities, towns, hamlets within states which number in the tens of thousands and dot the nations landscape. They are mroe likely to reflect the interests of their citizens than the federal government. The founders protected states rights to govern themselves by the 10th amendment. Representatives of local municipalities in states on down are better able to solve local problems than people at the federal level because they are directly affected by their own decisions. It's also easier for people to hve interaction with their local and state reps compared with the fed. When government officials ignore the Constitution they take away state and individual soverignity (federalism) that is guaranteed by the Constitution. The fed cannot possibly comprehend teh diversity of interests that are affected by its decisino making nor the costs and benefits of its decisions on communities. Besides, that is not its purpose. It (progressives and statism) seeks to dictate rather than represent.

165. Compromise: Liberals view this as an attempt to get conservatives to do things their way. They believe it's possible to bridge the gap between Conservatives and Liberals by getting Conservatives to give in. Independents believe the gap can be narrowed enough to get things done. Conservatives believe they have nothing in common with liberals, and therefore the gap will not be closed. Conservatives believe Liberals have nothing in common with what they want done. The Constitution is an obstacle to Liberals it's the Bible to Conservatives. Conservatives don't compromise on the Bible. Therefore, Conservatives believe Liberals need to be defeated.

166. Moderate Democrat: See liberal; see democrat; see progressive

167. Unemployment: When we pay people not to work. Most see it as a good thing short term. Liberals see it works good longterm because unemployment money is spent and this monry creates jobs. Liberals also view those not working as potential victims to create programs for and therefore potential democrats. Conservatives view it as an incentive not too look for work and this results in hyperinflated unemployment numbers.

168. Unemployment Rate: Statistically speaking, it's the number of people who file for unemployment benefits and who are still looking for work. Therefore, the actual unemployment rate is generally higher than the stated unemployment rate. The actual unemployment rate will account for ALL the people who are not working, including those who quit looking for work. As of December 4, 2010, the unemployment rate is 9.8% and the actual unemployment rate is estimated to be at about 18%. When the economy starts to pick up the unemployment rate will generally increase before it decreases, as many people who quit looking for work will now be looking.

169. High/ Low Unemployment Rate: Unemployment at 4.5% is considered to be normal. Actually, 4.5% is considered to actually be zero unemployment because it actually can't go lower than that. Except in the 1920s during full fledged capitalism, this rate went down to 2% unemployment. A high unemployment rate is generally anything greater than 8%. Conservatives beliefve in capitalism, and want the unemployment rate as low as possible. Liberals understand that under Keynesian tax and spend policies (redistribution of wealth) unemployment is generally high. So if a Keynesian is in office (FDR and Obama), the unemployment rate is generally high (it was never lower than 15% when FDR was president, and has lingered around 9% or greater under Obama). Liberals often will tell you that a high unemployment rate is the new normal.

170. The new normal: The phrase "new normal" is simply a construction designed to save Obama and the Democrats from any association with this economic collapse. Calling this a "new normal" is simply saying, "Hey, this is not the result of any Democrat policy. This is not the result of Obamanomics, no. This is just America. And by golly by gosh, Obama's doing the best he can with it, but he's only got so much to work with. The new normal, it is what it is. This is not the result of bad economic policy. This is not the fault of Obama. The new normal is defining the Obama depression down. It's dumbing the recession down. It's making it so people think 10% unemployment is okay; acceptable. When FDR was president the "new normal" was 20% unemployment, which is where it stayed through most of his presidency. In fact, after the stock market crash of 1929, and despite the Keynesian tactics of FDR that were supposed to end the Great Depression, the stock market didn't return to pre 1929 levels until 1954. Progressives want you to accept that if you are not happy making less money or being unemployed, you should lower your expectations. This is what happens in the world of progressivism or socialism, because they want to take from the rich and give to the poor so that everyone is poor; we are all equal; and in this way the new normal is a 10% unemployment rate, less wages, more taxes, etc. The whole purpose of Keynesian economics is to create a new normal so you give up; to make everyone in America equal; to make everyone in the world equal. It's to get you to accept mediocraty. It's to get you to accept that you will not be able to improve your lot in life. It's to get you to accept the fact you are no better than anyone in any other country. It's to get you to accept that American exceptionalism is dead (see above). The whole purpose of Keynesian economics, of Obamonomics, is the decline of America. To make failure "the new normal."

171.  Partisan divide: Many people talk about the partisan divide in the U.S. as though it's something bad, or even that it's something new. Some even purport to stop it, saying we must all agree. The truth is, Adams and Jefferson tossed far worse vitriole than anything we see today, and no one tried to stop it. In fact, Vice President Aaron Burr was so pissed at Alexander Hamilton that he killed him in a duel. Imagine that happening today. The truth is, partisanship isn't that far out anymore. Yet partisanship is good. It's good because a partisan divide prevents people from making laws, and makes sure all ideas are on the table when a law is voted on. You have to remember laws should be few, because (as our founders knew), every law takes away another freedom.

172.  Shared Sacrifice:  Liberals believe when there are hard times we all should share in the misery.  We must universally accept bad times and share in them equally.  They believe if you you're financially stable, if you're rich, you're the reason for the recession in the first place, so you have to sacrifice. Democrats belive one person's success causes another person to fail or cause another person's misery, so you must pay your fair share.  Joint sacrifice to liberals means more government.  Conservatives believe with personal accountability and good money management a person can be financially secure to the point a recession will not effect him.  They belive it's not the fault of the rich that the recession occured, and that shared sacrifice is poppycock; it's a political ploy by democrats to make more money to pay for liberal policies. Conservatives believe is one person fails or is miserable, it's our job to teach that person how to prosper, not to punish those who have succeeded.

173.  Rights:  Something that cannot be taken away from you.  If it can be taken away from you, it's not a right.  Examples of rights:  freedom.  Examples of not a right:  collective bargaining, health care, abortion.  Things that are not rights have to be bargained for, agreed to, and given to you. Things that are rights you are born with; they are inalienable.

174.  Collective bargaining rights:  Is not a right, it's a policy that is agreed upon through negotiations and provides union worker the right to bargain.

175.  American Experiment:  Can man rule himself?  

176.  American Dream:  Everyone has a chance no matter his or her color, creed or station in life.  We all have an equal chance to improve lot in life.  

177.  Equal Justice:  Everyone has an equal chance at the American Dream. It's assuming people are smart and can fend for themselves.

178.  Social Justice:  It's the assumption that without expert intervention, people cannot obtain the American Dream.  You are too stupid to rule yourself.  

179.  Union:  A money laundering operation that does nothing but reelect Democrat after Democrat after Democrat

180.  Communist:  See liberal, progressive, socialist.  All citizens are equal.  They labor for the common good.  Money is unnecessary.  Individual liberty takes a back seat to the needs of the collective.  There is not god but the state.  All money is owned by the state, and money you make, or checks you receive,  is your fair share.  

181.  Centrist:  See moderate.  They are liberals; they are liberal democrats or liberal republicans.  

This is an ongoing list. If you want to add to it please feel free to email me.