U.S. History:
What they don't teach in school
- Zacharia described state of U.S.back in 518 B.C.
- The True Meaning of the Statue of Liberty
- The 1920s: Reaching euphoria and back
- Senator Albert J. Beveridge
- Progressivism (part 1)
- The 1930s and 40s: The growing beast
- How FDR got elected over and over again
- FDRs Second Bill of Rights
- From the New Deal to a broken system
- Joseph McCarthy was right all along
- 1950s to 1980: Kennedy's boom to stagflation
- The 1980s: Reagan's boom (Coming soon)
- 1988-92: George H. W. Bush's recession
- The 1990: Bill Clinton and Gingrich's revolution
- The 2000s: GWB, Neoconservatism and the populist movement
- Barack Obama doomed to repead mistakes of FDR
- 2008 and bey0nd: Obama and the progressives
- Progressivism (part 2)
- Progressivism (part 3)
- Progressivism (part 4)
- 1300 B.C.: The birth of originalism
- The fallacy of democracies
- The U.S. is a republic, not a democracy
The U.S. Constitution:
- Natural Rights of Men
- The 14th Amendment
- FDRs second bill of rights
- Constitution sets limits on the powers of government
- Church and state
- Washington versus state rights
- The Fallacy of Democracies
- The U.S. is a Republic not a Democracy
- Things that are not unalienable rights
- Qualifications to be a U.S. Supreme Court Justice
- Your right to own a gun is protected twice
- Proposed ban on guns unconstitutional
- What is judicial review
- Is a Balanced Budget Amendment Constitutional?
- Constitution sets limits on power of government
- The 10th Amendment
- Six presidents never held public office before
- Partisan divide is not new, and it's not bad
- U.S. President Trivia
- Washington's Thanksgiving speech
- FDRs second Bill of Rights
- 6 Presidents never held public office before becoming president
- Ronald Reagan and the Roaring 80s
- How FDR got elected over and over again
Interesting facts you they do teach in school:
(Do you remember?)
(Do you remember?)