Saturday, September 15, 2012

Clint Eastwood is a genious

I think most people who write on the Internet, and in the media for that matter, fail to understand the gist of what they are saying.  I see this all the time, or hear it on TV, but usually don't have time to write about.

I wrote about one example two days ago.  I write about another today, and it comes from Esquire, Tom Junod, writing about Clint Eastwood jumping into the political arena.  He starts his post as such:
"To most Americans, the spectacle of Clint Eastwood addressing the Republican National Convention was strange and baffling, even inexplicable."
What does he mean here by most?  Is it "most" people that he hangs around with, who are probably all left leaning people?  Or does he have access to some study that shows this?  I've never seen a study, just a lot of blathering about it in the media and blogs or TV news shows.

I think the fact that Clint Eastwood is still in the news, two weeks after the RNC convention is proof positive of the effectiveness of his speech.  If he had gone up there and gave a conventional speech saying:  "It's okay for you folks who voted for Obama because you rode the wave of popular opinion, and now realize he was all talk and no substance (hence the empty chair), to vote for someone else; namely Mitt Romney."

If he had done that his speech would have been forgotten like nearly every other speech at either convention.  But his presentation was non-conventional. He talked to an empty chair, which supposedly had Obama in it.  The empty chair is symbolic of a president who offered all these promises, promises that caused people to vote for him, and promises that were empty promises, hence the empty chair.  Obama is basically an empty chair.

On pretty much all (note this is not a generalization) liberal media outlets, the general consensus is that the presentation was a bust.  Eastwood is old and antiquated, and the fact he rambled and his hair was askew is proof of that.

Yet most other folks, the ones I hang out with anyway, and the ones I read, talk about the presentation as genius.  He made his point by being unconventional.  He's an actor for crying out loud, and he's presently involved in two movies, either as director or actor.  He memorizes lines for a living, so there's little doubt he did what he did, said what he said, intentionally.

He even later admitted, "I made my point, and said what I meant."  Paraphrasing.  Regardless of what your opinion of Eastwood, and I'm not convinced I even know his political stance other than he agrees with me that Obama is a poor leader, he gave a brilliant presentation at the RNC.  The fact people are STILL talking about it is proof positive of that for certain.  

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