Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Shooter

He shot Bin Laden, and now he's home with no job and absolutely no benefit to show that he was in the U.S. Military, let alone that he was the guy who killed the #1 most wanted terrorist in the history of the world.  

His name is simply: "The Shooter."

He described the moment when he shot Bin Laden:
“In that second, I shot him, two times in the forehead "Bap! Bap! The second time as he’s going down. He crumpled onto the floor in front of his bed. He was dead. I watched him take his last breaths. And I remember as I watched him breathe out the last part of air, I thought: Is this the best thing I've ever done, or the worst thing I've ever done?
That's a very touching statement.  Yes, it makes one wonder if killing the number one worse person in the history of the world, who is?  So he adds:
"I'm not religious, but I always felt I was put on the earth to do something specific. After that mission, I knew what it was."
Then he recalled watching CNN's coverage of the first anniversary of bin Laden's death.
"They were saying, 'So now we're taking viewer e-mails. Do you remember where you were when you found out Osama bin Laden was dead?' And I was thinking: Of course I remember. I was in his bedroom looking down at his body."

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