Monday, September 9, 2013

There is a right way and a wrong way to get universal healthcare

I just want my readers to know I don't have a problem with universal healthcare.  The problem I have is how we get to universal healthcare.  It seem that too many of us are willing to give up freedoms in order to get there, and that, to me, is wrong. 

There is this old saying: "Don't tread on me."  That means that we have a constitution, and that constitution is rock solid.  It was created as rock, solid document that was meant to last forever.  No matter what happened to this nation, good or bad, no one can "tread" on your Constitutional Rights, which, by the way, are the same as natural rights. 

Anyone out there ever read the Declaration of Independence.  It reads:  "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."  The key words here "among these," which denotes the presumption that Americans would know the other inalienable rights (which are your natural rights; or the rights that you are born with and that only a government can take away).

So then we go to the U.S. Constitution.  So much is listed in the Constitution to protect those natural rights, the ones that are barely listed in the Declaration, which is still to this day a valid document.  The founders, after the Constitution was passed, were not so sure future generations would understand the presumption of the inalienable rights mentioned in the Declaration, so they created the Bill of Rights, listing more of the inalienable rights. 

Technically speaking, the Bill of Rights isn't even necessary. But, thank God the founders had the foresight to do that, otherwise those rights would have been imposed on long ago (Lord knows people are continuously trying to take them away at present in order to meet the demand so current feel good trends, such as those in the name of protecting people from climate change, dangerous criminals with guns (because guns kill people don't), and protecting ourselves from eating foods that the so called experts think are naughty for our bodies (such as salt, sugar, alcohol, etc.).

Then we get to the Tenth Amendment, which states the following:  "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."  As we know by the passage of Obamacare, the people, the Congress, the Senate, the President, and the Supreme Court, completely ignored this amendment.  They also ignored the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.  In truth, the Declaration of Independence alone should have stopped Obamacare, because Obamacare infringes on our Natural Rights: the right to choose what we spend our money on. 

So how, then, would I propose getting to Universal Healthcare.  It's called popular demand.  You educate the public.  You have Federalism.  You have Sovereignty.  You have one state pass a law that gives the people of that state healthcare.  If the system works, other states adapt it, and in turn make it better.  The state that has the best healthcare program, at the lowest cost, is the one that will be adapted by future states advocating for such change -- if that change is desired.  Over time, if it works, every state could have some form of universal healthcare.  It is called choice: the people choose what type of healthcare system they want. 

On the other hand, if one state makes the gamble and gives all its people healthcare, and it fails, the other 49 states can bail that one state out.  If the entire nation becomes engulfed in Obamacare, and Obamacare fails, and the U.S. economy tanks as a result, then who will bail the U.S. out?  The U.N.?  France? Spain? China? Canada?  Syria? 

Come to speak of it, many of those nations would be more than happy to see the U.S. fail, thus becoming absorbed by some type of New World Order.  Yet I digress. 

The way Obamacare works, it was not a choice by the people.  There was no vote, merely a vote of the people we chose to represent us, who (ahem) tend to vote for things that will gain themselves votes.  There was no popular demand for Obamacare, and it was Unconstitutional in more than one ways, as noted above. 

I would like more than anything for every person to have access to healthcare.  However, I want the process to be the right process.  I want it to be based on facts, not on "oh, this feels good and sounds good, let's pass it even though we haven't even had time to read the entire 4,000 page bill."  Sorry, that is exactly why the founders did not want a large central government: because governments tend to be incompetent.  After all, there is this old saying, that "government is a necessary evil." 

Yet, it is evil, and too few of us, for whatever reason, perhaps because we are too busy living in our fantasy worlds -- texting, emailing, Facebooking, watching TV, fantasy sports, games, etc. -- that we don't take the time to study history.  We don't take the time to learn the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the long saga of how miserable life was under kings and queens before that infamous day on July 4, 1776

It's time to stop feeling and thinking, and time to start reading the bricks on the wall and learning the facts.  We are Americans and we can accomplish anything, and we can make life better for all Americans.  The way to do this is by following our hearts, but, more important, by following the law as it was written for us; to protect us.  If we don't, we may get what we want, and lose everything our ancestors worked so hard to obtain for us.  

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