Thursday, September 19, 2013

What is American Exceptionalism?

Obama recently said: " I believe in American exceptionalism just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

This statement pretty much proves to me that he was not educated by the same history books as average Americans like you and me.  He has no idea what American exceptionalism is.

So, what is American exceptionalism?  It's quite simple actually. Here is the definition:

American Exceptionalism: It's freedom and liberty. That's it. It's freedom and liberty.

The majority of history was full of bondage and slavery. For most of history 90% of the people of any nation lived in poverty with no chance of improving their lives. For 90% of history only the 10% who lived in the aristocracy had a chance at a good education and a well paying job. So the majority of people throughout history have lived under tyranny and despots.

Then along came America where every person was granted the freedom and liberty he or she was born with. The U.S. was the first place in the world where the government did not take away freedom and liberty, and therefore every person had an equal opportunity to succeed in life.

American exceptionalism is the opportunity provided to every person who lives in America because of freedom and liberty. American exceptionalism is not what Obama says: " I believe in American exceptionalism just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism."

American Exceptionalism is not that we are better people. It is not that we are superior people. It is not that we are smarter people. It is not that God loves us and hates everybody else. It is not that God prefers us. It is not that God doesn't prefer anybody else.

It is nothing more than the equal opportunity afforded to all who live among the American borders because our government does not and cannot (and this was ultimately guaranteed by the signing of the U.S. Constitution om 1787) make any efforts to take away our God given rights to freedom and liberty.

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