Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama's/Chavez handshake gives credence to thug; and to American bashing book too

Obama had a chance meeting with Hugo Chavez today and Chavez gave Obama an American bashing book. Obama looked at Chavez and gave him a "What's this?" look.

I have trouble imagining Obama didn't know what he was getting, as Obama's good friend William Ayers (the terrororist) hailed Venzuela for teaching Marxism in public schools, and chastising capitalism.

While he would never come right out and say it, Obama is socialist himself who does not put the interests of America before himself (I wrote about this here). I wrote before that he blames American capitalism for all that ailes the world, and this "chance" meeting simply validates my earlier claims. He's also not a proud American. He's a socialist like Hugo Chavez.

We must also note here that after this "chance" meeting this America bashing book moved from 54,295 on Amazon to #2 behind Mark Levin's book promoting American exceptionalism, capitalism, liberty and freedom.

While Obama later cliamed that no harm can come from shaking hands, I think he really meant that, as this book went from miniscule sales to #2 on Amazon. This is exactly what Obama wanted all along.

I'm telling you folks, this man is scary. While he tells his cabinet to tell Americans we should be worried about people in our own country (conservatives like you and me), he's saying we should shake the hands of our enemies abroat -- enemies that have openly said they hate us.

Look, it's easy to make friends with enemies. Sean Hannity could shake the hand of Obama and tell Obama he agrees with everything he stands for. Sean would be instantly popular.

Yet he would be going against his principles, something he's not willing to do. So, in the same respects, it appears to me wrong to give credence to a thug like Chavez, but to Obama, on the other hand, it might seem like a good move as it gives credence to the socialism he really wants for America.

I hope I'm wrong.

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